Every states lemon law is a little different. GA has a 2 year lemon law, only for the first owner. OP said they bought their 2022 in October of 2023… my guess is the in service date is prior to this, and that might mean on the title they were listed as the 2nd owner and the dealer was first. This happens at the end of the model year even on non-demo cars because Volvo wants them off the books, so they force dealers to punch them into service and they get whatever “cash out” money Volvo gives, and then the cars no long are able to receive rebates. Or it could have been a demo car used prior. Either way, this potentially could hit the in service date earlier than 2 years ago (more so with the demo option than punch out), and also potentially means the OP doesn’t qualify because they bought a new car, but they weren’t technically buying it new on certificate of origin, but rather on a title that was held by the dealer. I don’t remember the punch dates for 2022 models, but it was fairly early as we were sold out of cars… I’m nearly 100% positive it wouldn’t have an October 2023 in service date, but I could be wrong. And we’ll just assume it has under 24000 miles as the other initial requirement. But honestly, I’m not sure how a 2022 model lasted that long, we were sold out most of 2022, I didn’t have a single “new” 2022 car by January of 2023, so something doesn’t quite add up here for me.
Now in GA they do have a clause that might help it seems “It substantially impairs the motor vehicle’s use, value, or safety.” it fails the warranty test at this time, because from Volvo’s perspective, it’s not a warranty claim. Frankly, in most states that would be the end of it, but GA gives this other option that might be a way forward.
And from Volvo’s perspective they will respond to the claim and say that it’s not lemon law, but rather damage. Damage by itself is not a lemon law eligibility, so then it goes back to OP and their attorney to prove the damage was caused by defect rather than lack of care.
If you search “Sunroof care” you’ll find all sorts of articles on the topic, just not in Volvo manual, more as a general knowledge of vehicle car google search. The fact that many insurance companies show up high on the list shows they have a vested interest in this, as they have to pay out claims for it. Should Volvo do more to educate folks? Yes, absolutely. Does that make it no longer the customers responsibility? I’d say no, but perhaps a court would look at it different.