You’re at a fork in the road with your heater – you can schedule professional maintenance now, or you can wait to schedule the service later in the fall season. We know there are a variety of factors that can go into how you make this decision, and we hope to encourage you to prioritize the service earlier rather than later.
Keep reading to learn about the reasons that scheduling furnace maintenance now is a great idea when you consider longevity and efficiency for your unit. Then give us a call to get an appointment on our calendar as the season winds down and we look forward to warmer weather.

An Annual Commitment
Scheduling maintenance for your furnace is something you should do once every year. Ideally, you want to schedule the service annually around the same timeframe. For example, if you scheduled the service at the beginning of the Fall season, you’re good for now. You don’t need to schedule another maintenance appointment until Fall rolls around again.
But if it has been at least one calendar year or longer since you scheduled furnace maintenance, go ahead and give us a call to get on the schedule today. An annual service appointment isn’t just optional. In fact, it’s mandatory if you want to maintain the manufacturer’s warranty for the entirety of 10-year period. Skipping out on furnace maintenance can void your manufacturer’s warranty and leave you covering the costs of any unexpected repair needs that might otherwise have been covered.
Save Money – In More Ways Than One
Needless to say, you’re going to save money on repairs by maintaining that manufacturer’s warranty. If something completely unusual happens and your furnace has a major repair need in that initial 10 years, the warranty will cover the unexpected expense. But you’re also saving money by boosting system efficiency.
Our team can make tweaks year after year to boost how well your furnace operates and reduce the amount of energy it needs to consume for each heating cycle. After a year, the savings can add up to compound as your furnace maintains more and more of its efficiency.
Even past that 10-year mark when your manufacturer’s warranty would be up anyway, you’ll still save money on repairs. Maintenance is an excellent way to keep up with caring for your furnace all along instead of waiting until something major goes wrong to address an issue. By making incremental investments all along, you can avoid a major breakdown that leaves you thousands of dollars in the hole to repair your furnace.
Gain Peace of Mind
When your partner with us for care over the life of your furnace, we can get to know your system. We can see the history of specific repair needs and tweaks that we’ve made year after year so that we can identify any patterns that may need to be addressed further. All of this adds up to offer you peace of mind and knowing that your furnace is always operating at its best.
You won’t have to worry about unexpected breakdowns because you’ve kept up with care all along. As your furnace ages, we’ll be able to give you a heads up if and when a replacement is on the horizon. That way, you can plan ahead instead of being surprised by a total breakdown.
Your comfort is our business! Comfort Flow Heating serves all of Oregon, so contact our team today to schedule your appointment.