January 22, 2025
Home Humidity Levels: Why and How to Raise Them During the Fall and Winter – White Oak, OH, Bridgetown, OH & Delhi, OH

Home Humidity Levels: Why and How to Raise Them During the Fall and Winter – White Oak, OH, Bridgetown, OH & Delhi, OH

Now that the winter season is here, HVAC pros recommend that you begin to raise your home’s indoor humidity levels. While this may sound like a contradiction to the advice you were given during the previous seasons, there are actually several benefits to doing this. These benefits include a reduced chance of electrostatic shock, the prevention of damage to your home and the improvement of your family’s health. With such advantages, it would be a waste not to increase your home’s indoor humidity levels. But how exactly can you do such a thing? 

home humidityhome humidity

In this article, Hader HVAC discusses how you can raise humidity levels indoors during the fall and winter seasons.

Use humidifiers

According to experts, one way you can increase the overall humidity in your home is by installing a humidifier. This is because humidifiers can easily add moisture to your home’s air, preventing the dryness that can cause irritation on your body while at the same time allowing you to reap the other benefits of an increased humidity level during the fall and winter seasons. When installing humidifiers in your home, you can either use a portable room humidifier in certain parts of the house or install a whole-home humidifier to get the job done.

To install the right kind of humidifier for your home, simply turn to Hader Heating and Cooling for assistance.

Add live houseplants

Alternatively, if installing a humidifier in the house is out of the question, you can also add live houseplants if you want to increase the indoor humidity levels of your property for the fall and winter seasons. According to home improvement professionals, this is due to the fact that plants can act as a natural humidifier for your surroundings, giving you the advantages that come with increasing the humidity level of your home during the winter season.

If you need someone who can help you maintain your home’s humidity levels, don’t hesitate to turn to Hader. When it comes to your air conditioning and heating needs, we’re the leading service providers to turn to, and we won’t let you down! Give us a call at (513) 661-1910 or fill out our contact form to get in touch with us today! We serve homeowners in Cincinnati and other nearby areas.

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