March 9, 2025
Tips to Take Care of Your Furnace

Tips to Take Care of Your Furnace

The winter season may be winding down, but taking care of your system is just as important as ever – maybe even more so. There are steps that you can take before turning the system off for spring and summer months can go a long way toward helping it operate at its best when falls rolls back around.

In addition to following these steps yourself, you can also call our team to schedule professional furnace maintenance in Fresno, CA. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about caring for your furnace and why these steps are so crucial. Then, if you haven’t already made the appointment, give us a call to get on the calendar for annual service

Change Out the Air Filter 

This is one of the easiest steps you can take to care for your furnace. It’s also highly effective at improving furnace operation and helping your unit maintain a high level of efficiency. By changing out the air filter before it gets too full, you maintain proper airflow. 

You also want to make sure that the air filter you’re using fits the intake grate precisely. Don’t opt for an air filter that is slightly larger or smaller. If you cannot find your size in a local store, try ordering the correct size online. We also encourage you to order multiple air filters at the same time so that you never run out of air filter filters and find yourself scrambling for a replacement.

Wipe Down the Cabinet

Once each month when you change out the air filter, flip the switch on your furnace to turn it off completely, and then let it cool down. After that, wipe off both the interior and exterior of the furnace cabinet inside your home. Pay special attention to the burners to clean away any grimy residue. 

This is another way to help your furnace stay highly energy efficient without any issues that might be caused by buildup interfering with heat transferring into the air. A dirty buildup can block the heating element inside of your furnace so that heat is trapped and doesn’t change the indoor air temperature as much as it needs to.

Clean the House

You can also help your furnace by vacuuming and dusting around your home. When you eliminate the number of particles floating around in the air to begin with, you protect your furnace from the air filter getting too full too fast and dirt building up inside of the system. 

After all, even with an excellent air filter and consistently changing it out, dust and dirt are bound to get inside your system one way or the other. These steps are especially important during the winter season when your home tends to be more closed up to begin with and dirty air gets trapped inside.

Maintain Open and Clear Vents

It’s also a good idea to walk around and check all of the air vents around your home once a month to make sure they are open and free from any blockages. Do not close some air vents in hopes of channeling air to other spaces in your home. All of your vents need to be completely open with at least 12 inches of clearance to blow heat into the room. 

If your vents are located on the floor, be cautious and avoid placing furniture over them. The same goes for tall furniture if your air vents are along the ceiling. Don’t let bookcases and other objects block air vents from effectively blowing heat out into your home.

Contact Donald P. Dick Air Conditioning to schedule furnace maintenance in Fresno, CA, or sign up for Mr. Cool’s Super Saver Program.

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